Many items are available on my Humanities Commons page.
My 1-2 Chronicles Twitter commentary ran from April 2021 through June 2022. It's now available here in a pdf.
Articles (peer-reviewed):
“Biblical interpretation at the Ottawa Convoy occupation”, Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses (2024). doi.org/10.1177/00084298241238359
“David and darics: reconsidering an
anachronism in 1 Chronicles 29”, Vetus Testamentum 69 (2019): 748-754. doi.org/10.1163/15685330-12341385
“Berlin Papyrus P. 13447 and the Library of
the Yehudite Colony at Elephantine”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 76 (2017):
139-147. doi.org/10.1086/690226
“A Paradeisos at Ramat Rahel and the
Setting of Zechariah”, Transeuphratene 48 (2016): 77-91. doi.org/10.2143/TE.48.0.3178238
“Coming, Going, and Knowing: Reading Sex and
Embodiment in Hebrew Narrative”, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 5 (2016):
94-111. doi.org/10.1628/219222716X14683342142307
“A Note on the Creation Formula in Zechariah
12:1-8; Isaiah 42:5-6; and Old Persian Inscriptions”, Journal of Biblical
Literature 133 (2014): 305-308. doi.org/10.15699/jbibllite.133.2.305
“Temperance, Temples, and Colonies: Reading
the Book of Haggai in Saskatoon”, Studies
in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 36 (2007): 261-277. doi.org/10.1177/000842980703600204
“Power, Eros,
and Biblical Genres”, Bible and Critical Theory 3/2 (2007) 18.1-11;
also in R.T. Boer (ed.), Bakhtin and
Genre Theory in Biblical Studies (Semeia Studies; Atlanta: SBL, 2007),
“The Ironic Death of Josiah in 2 Chronicles”,
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 68
(2006): 421-35.
of Meaning: The Accession of Solomon in Chronicles”, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4 (2002) article 3
“Commonalities Without Equivalence”, in D. Fulton, K. Ristau, J. Greer & M. Cohen (eds.), The Formation of Biblical Texts: Chronicling the Legacy of Gary N. Knoppers (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2024), 203-221
“The Politics of Judahite Creation Theologies in the Persian Period”, in M. Brett & R. Gilmour (eds.), Political Theologies in the Hebrew Bible (Leiden: Brill, 2023), 23-41
"The righteousness of the Levites in Chronicles and Ezekiel", in J. Jeon & L. Jonker (eds), Chronicles and the Priestly Literature of the Hebrew Bible (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2021), 337-347
“What to do with all these Canaanites? A settler-Canadian reading of biblical conquest stories”, in D. Schweitzer & P. Gareau (eds.), Honouring the Declaration (Regina, SK: University of Regina Press, 2021), 31-52
“The Testament of Darius (DNa/DNb) and Constructions of Kings and Kingship in 1-2 Chronicles”, in J. Silverman & C. Waerzeggers (eds.), Political Memory in and after the Persian Empire (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2015), 363-380
“Achaemenid Persian Concepts Pertaining to Covenant and Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi”, in R. Bautch & G.N. Knoppers (eds), Covenant in the Persian Period (Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2015), 291-306
“Response: Reflections on the Book of Chronicles and Second Temple Historiography”, in P. Evans & T. Williams (eds.), Chronicling the Chronicler: The Book of Chronicles and Early SecondTemple Historiography (Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2013), 271-79
“Why the Hebrew Bible Might Be All Greek to Me: On the Use of the Xenophontic Corpus in Discussions of Biblical Literature”, in L.L. Grabbe (ed.), Enquire of the Former Age: Ancient Historiography and Writing the History of Israel (LHBOTS 554; London: Continuum, 2011), 57-76
“Chronicles and Ben Sira: Questions of Genre”, in J. Corley & H. van Grol (eds.), Rewriting Biblical History: Essays on Chronicles and Ben Sira in Honor of Pancratius C. Beentjes (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2011), 1-25
“Otherness and Historiography in Chronicles”, in L. Jonker (ed.), Historiography and Identity (Re)formulation in Second Temple Historiographical Literature (LHBOTS 534; London: Continuum, 2010), 93-109
“‘How Lonely Sits the City’: Identity and the Creation of History”, in J.L. Berquist (ed.), Approaching Yehud: New Approaches to the Persian Period (Semeia Studies; Atlanta: SBL, 2007), 77-89
“Bakhtin and the Ideal Ruler in 1-2 Chronicles and the Cyropaedia”, in R.B. Branham (ed.), The Bakhtin Circle and Ancient Narrative (Ancient Narrative Supplementa 3; Groningen: U of Groningen Library/Barkhuis, 2005), 297-319
“The Dialogism of Chronicles”, in M.P. Graham & S.L. McKenzie (eds.), The Chronicler as Author: Studies in Text and Texture (JSOTSup 238; Sheffield: Sheffield AP, 1999), 311-326
Public scholarship, dictionary, encyclopedia etc. entries
“How white Christian nationalism is part of the 'freedom convoy' protests", The Conversation, February 16, 2022. theconversation.com/how-white-christian-nationalism-is-part-of-the-freedom-convoy-protests-177113
"Teaching Elephantine to Theological Students: A Round-Table", with Collin Cornell et al., Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 33 (2019): 277-297. doi.org/10.1080/09018328.2019.1686290
"Queen of Sheba”, Bible Odyssey (www.bibleodyssey.org, 2018)
“Speech Genres”, in T. Thatcher, C. Keith, R. Person, E. Stern (eds.), The Dictionary of the Bible in Ancient Media (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark 2017), 382-384
1-2 Chronicles: Introduction, character sketches and comments for The CEB Women’s Bible (Nashville: Common English Bible, 2016)
“1-2 Chronicles”, in C. Newsom, S. Ringge and J. Lapsley (eds.), The Women’s Bible Commentary, 3rd ed. (Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox, 2012), 184-91
Reviews and review essays
About twenty reviews in Review of Biblical Literature, Bible and Critical Theory, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, Hebrew Studies, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Religious Studies and Theology, Toronto Journal of Theology
Works in progress
1-2 Chronicles, commentary under contract with Oxford University Press, due 2025
The Invention of Religion in the Persian Period, monograph in preparation
Entry on 1-2 Chronicles (40,000 words) for The New Oxford Bible Commentary, under contract with Oxford University Press, submitted March 2019